A5 prep and statement of intent
---------------------------------------------------------------What am I hoping to achieve with this project?;
- a homage to Duane Michals, Andrey Rodchenko, and Walker Evans
- an enjoyable thought-provoking sequence of cohesive images
- a variety of shooting techniques
- to challenge my own photographic abilities and creative ideas
- to include/reference many inspirational artist (throughout the selection)
- stay within the brief but unafraid to push beyond it
- attempt some mixed media not just digital photos
- finish this course with an ambitious, highly conceptualised (and hopefully successful) assignment
- to preempt the next course by delving into the power of narration
- and also to enjoy doing/attempting all of the above!
The narrative style will most probably be from 'behind the camera' although I would like to try to mix styles (and hopefully not confuse the viewer). What I mean by 'mix styles' is to try to use the three main conceptions of narrative as Barthes observes in Image Music Text (Barthes and Heath, 1990, pp. 110-112). The first concept being: a narrative emanating from a person - the author, "...of a perfectly identified individual who perdiodically takes up a pen to write his story: the narrative (notably the novel) then being simply the expression of an I external to it."; the second: the narrator as omniscient conciousness - "...at once inside his characters (since he knows everything that goes on in them) and outside them (since he never identifies with any one more than another),"; and the third one where, "...the narrator must limit his narrative to what the characters can observe or know, everything preceeding as if each of the characters in turn were the sender of the narrative." Although my intention is to experiment, and as much as I find the third concept intriguing, I will most likely stick to the first concept.
I had seen and read about Alexander Rodchenko's brilliant and influential work and in particular his survival strategy of having to deface much of his work of liberals and artists or otherwise find himself 'defaced' or 'removed' under Stalin's Purges. This irony I found shocking and sad and something that I felt needed to be remembered and respected especially regarding Rodchenko's brave (or even cowardly?) sacrifice; was it his presumed pain or destroying his work and trying to survive at that difficult time in Russia, or a nod to his ability to adapt politically that is so intriguing? Whatever it actually may have been, I find it fascinating and worthy of inclusion here.
So I wanted to include defacement in each image to pay homage to primarily Rodchenko, and also to create a quite clear homogeneity between the images, a clear linking theme which I hoped would be carried along within the sequence. Also, the defacement idea could be justified as simply adding anonymity as well as attempting to create some tension, and increase visual impact. I even toyed with the idea of not having to defend or validate its inclusion as Zoe Crosher did in her interesting Polaroided series (2008) and just leave that "indecision" there, something that Lucy Soutter (Soutter, L., 2013, p18) points out shouldn't really be done:
"While contemporary art photographers do not necessarily reference these historical precedents explicitly, they rely on them to legitimate their work and to ensure that ambiguities are read as desirable complexity rather than as indecision, weakness or failure."
However, I much preferred the inclusion and the reference to Rodchenko's work more than Corsher's (brilliantly) ambiguous and curious approach to her project.
The gradual panning out, used so wonderfully by Michals in his photography, was something that I had always admired in the work of writer Alan Moore's graphic novels, especially his work with artist Dave Gibbons on their 1987 seminal graphic novel The Watchmen, as can be seen here:
I also had an idea to possibly develop or include Scott McCloud's fascinating observations about sequential images (and perception too) from his brilliant Understanding Comics (McCloud, 1994); here are a few snippets that I found pertinent as well as interesting:
I particularly like the final panel from page 101 of McCloud's book where he discusses the concept of "greater length" suggested by the longer rectangular panel breaking up the normal flow - something which I have recently read about (although relating to the presentation of photography and not comics) in Maria Short's insightful book Context and Narrative (Short, M., 2011, p106):
"...it can be possible to achieve a certain pace in the series by using a particular size or shape of image at a key point in the sequence, either as a recurring theme or a one-off."
This is something that I haven't discarded as an alternative approach to my intended presentation of this sequence (see below) and may use it, if not for this assignment, then for a later one perhaps - or even as a personal project in the not too distant future.
This connection between the narrative qualities of comics and photography (as with other forms of images of course) I find totally fascinating and look forward to developing a deeper understanding of this with the next course Context and Narrative.
I was looking to include some of Walker Evans' work too: The Penny Picture Display, Savannah, 1936 (simply because I like it and his work) and was inspired to make a cover for an invented magazine for one of my shots for the sequence (shots 3,4, 9, and 10). The fact that the first edition of LIFE was also published in 1936, I found serendipitous and intriguing and I thought to include some content in some fashion within the sequence - perhaps using an advertisement from it on the back cover of my fictional magazine as a homage (with an eye to deface it in some way as not to be using any actual content from LIFE without permission of course). I also thought about recreating Evans' wonderful Subway shots from New York (late 1930s to early 1940s) and attempting to put them into the sequence too (see shots 4 and 10 below).
The idea to blend Michals' and Gibbons' techniques, and a generous sprinkling of Walker Evans' magic with the brooding Rodchenko undercurrent was something too good to let slip by however ambitious and challenging to actually realise.
Here's my final idea as a storyboard (image 8) plus how the assignment took shape through some preliminary notes from my notebook:
How am I going to present these images?
idea is to present the images as a sequence of 12 images (even if the
brief says 10 - although shot 1 and 12 could be seen as the same image
as could 2 and 11?) reading from left to right; I will resist my typical
urge to crop to a square and use a standard 3:2 format for all the
images to give the set its visual continuity (although, as mentioned
above, I might use some different image sizes or formats to give the
sequence some punctuation).
An alternative presentation could be to print them into a large magazine (almost broadsheet size) and have them viewed page by page to emphasize the sequential nature and to heighten the narrative effect.
Perhaps a series of four triptychs could also enhance the narrative of the images?
The assignment will also be presented online via my blog of course, and I will probably use individual images to allow a clean scroll down to help the narrative work here too, although, the idea of using triptychs in four groups in mini slide shows might also work for this.
Reading through Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics again, I came across many thought-provoking ideas and observations about images and perception which reminded me of his TED talk from 2005. It is also full of great insights one of which could be developed with this assignment (or, hopefully, at a later date) even though he was referring to the experience of comics being read through a computer monitor (13.01 on TED's useful interactive tapescript):
"We could do circular narratives that were literally circular; we could do a turn in a story that was literally a turn."An alternative presentation could be to print them into a large magazine (almost broadsheet size) and have them viewed page by page to emphasize the sequential nature and to heighten the narrative effect.
Perhaps a series of four triptychs could also enhance the narrative of the images?
The assignment will also be presented online via my blog of course, and I will probably use individual images to allow a clean scroll down to help the narrative work here too, although, the idea of using triptychs in four groups in mini slide shows might also work for this.
Reading through Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics again, I came across many thought-provoking ideas and observations about images and perception which reminded me of his TED talk from 2005. It is also full of great insights one of which could be developed with this assignment (or, hopefully, at a later date) even though he was referring to the experience of comics being read through a computer monitor (13.01 on TED's useful interactive tapescript):
This gave me a presentation idea that could be used with this project. Whether or not I actually use any of these ideas with this assignment is by the by, what is useful here is just the thinking through it all, and, as I'm sure will happen, these ideas can be used at a later date with other assignments, projects and so on. Here are a few sketches and notes:
I am also thinking about using some rudimentary poetry under each photo as a direct reference to Duane Michal's use of text with his photography. The choice of text is a risky one, but I like the expected clarity it suggests and would like to play with that expectation to create a slight (or clear) ambiguity and doubt while trying to keep the focus on engaging the viewer and certainly not to condescend or spoon-feed them in any way, rather a playful addition in line with Michals' own quite wonderful/annoying* mischievousness.
*Delete as appropriate (watch and make up your own idea)
What about the sequence?
Shot 1
The sequence of images starts off from an almost black macro photograph of the front cover of the Watchmen (being black on the hardback edition I have). There needs to be a suggestion of the details embossed on the surface of the book, as to not keep the image totally black as well as leaving some sort of trace of the Watchmen inspired visual, namely the iconic 'blood splurge' (but mindful not to have the detail dominate). Looking at slightly underexposing by a couple of stops or possibly just reducing exposure in post production later. (EXIF data will be added to final sequence but I have not put anything on these test shots below.)
Shot 1 - Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?
Here is my preliminary shot - darkened by using levels in post production (exposure/contrast and blacks). Are they gonna sue me? I suppose I could clone out one of the eyes or something - make it clearly different yet still recognizable?Shot 2
As we pan out (just as Michals did and as Gibbons was instructed to do by Moore), we see the next frame (shot 2) revealing a close up of Alexander Rodchenko. This portrait is blacked out across the eyes, (one of the main recurring themes of this sequence) with, perhaps, enough contextual clues as to be recognizable as Rodchenko himself. My idea is to take a picture of the portrait and then print this shot onto photographic paper. My reasoning being that the defacing would be more authentic and look more like the original scratched and burned out images by Rodchenko himself.
Shot 2
Shot 2 - Rodchenko
I'm thinking that the first shot should be connected here somehow, and not just with the black, possibly include the Watchmen smiley? Like so:
The third image will be of a close up of a magazine cover (inspired by the Walker Evans cover from the Penny Picture Display, Savannah, 1936). The cover will be different to Evans' one: there won't be 15 blocks of fifteen portraits repeated on the cover as he used (the portraits would be too small for my intended idea), whereas my intention is to include twenty inspirational artists (for me) as well as some iconic portraits. These portraits will then be blacked out with a black strip slashed across the eyes although Rodchenko needs to be slightly different and clearly represented in the frame to link back to the second shot as well as work as a cohesive sequence. The back cover will be only slightly visible (as it plays a larger part and will be revisited in shot 9). I want the whole frame filled with the cover which will be held at an angle as if someone is reading it (they will be in the next frame) with Rodchenko's portrait blacked out and clear within the shot.
This shot can be taken whilst shooting images 4-5 as well as shots 9-10, hopefully on an underground train as explained below. The shot could equally be taken in a studio set up (meaning my front room not an actual studio) although the lighting would have to be pretty close to shots 4-5 and 9-10 to keep the technical aspects homogeneous.
Shot 4
This shot is a blatant reenactment (a tableaux possibly?) of Walker Evans' pioneering New York subway shots from 1938 through to 1941 where he hid his fast Contax 35mm beneath his coat and shot random people (mostly unaware of his camera). Genius. I'm thinking of actually using the London Underground as I will be there for a short holiday in early November. But looking at Evans' shots, we can see that the background is the old wooden structures that are no longer used. Possibly this shot could be more appropriately staged in an old English pub where the dim light and wooden windows could be similar to Evans' 1938 work? Have I just justified me being in a pub? Excellent!
Although saying that, A trip to the London Transport Museum might bear promising fruit regarding dated carriage backgrounds (even the old buses could be useful for this).
The much more modern trains in use in London might add another interesting effect to the homage though, something that needs to be experimented with - after all I don't think I want to faithfully copy or imitate Walker Evans' work to the letter, but rather just be inspired by it for this assignment. The model will be sitting reading my fictional magazine. The magazine will be clearly seen and the model's face will be blacked out with a black strip (to be added once printed); the idea of keeping some sort of continuity with all the images, as well as the connection to Rodchenko again.
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