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Reading and Reference

Reading and References

Square Mile assignment reading and references Inside The Photograph, Writings on Twentieth-Century Photography , Peter C. Bunnell, Aperture Foundation books, 2009 Unweaving the Rainbow , Richard Dawkins, Penquin Books, 1997 After having toyed with a few ideas and before settling on the 'day in the life' idea, I looked through the suggested links. I didn't really get any instant ideas from those, other than the thought of how subjective objectivity is. What they did give me was a need to flick through a few books to try and add to my preliminary thoughts. Some acute observations by Bunnell on Clarence H White (pp48-9) helped me focus and believe in what I was doing: "Half of the photographer's work is in the discovery of his subject." and while I may not be living in New York at the turn of the twentieth-century, the discovery of my subject is nonetheless valid and beneficial. The banality of the everyday mundaneness of my own existence is, in fact, an...

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